So, off in the other room, my wife is blogging. You can go read it at T-Beri Blogs. Not to be outdone I felt it was time for a little blog action of my own.
On March fifth I blogged about my new band's search for a name. I told you that was the deadline for said new name and that we would have to have one picked by the end of the day. Well, not so much. We did play our debut show. On March seventh of 2012 we played a show at 2 My Place on Cortez Boulevard in Brooksville. We played 2 sets and it went pretty well, I think. Everyone seemed to have a good time. The only issue? The band name. I got frustrated trying to come up with a name that everyone liked and I put up a Facebook page for Rocket in Super8. That's what we went with. I want to book us some more shows but we really need a new name that everyone is happy with. Apparently all my suggestions are too long and complicated, and too "Science Fair Project" or something. Everyone says, "You need something simple." Here's the thing, bands have been naming themselves for longer than I've been alive. The simple names? Taken. If it's simple and it's not taken it obviously isn't any good. Since the show I have renewed my search for a new name with similar results to the last search. Wait, I thought of a great name. Oh, it's taken. By thirty-seven other bands. The search continues. So, here I am, begging you, my readers (yes, both of you) to comment below. Just give me a word. One word. Your favorite word. If you leave a word that ends up being (or being in) the band name, you win a prize (to be determined later) (Maybe a t-shirt or a sticker or both).
Yay for Fall!
11 years ago